Return Policy
When you place an order with ISCOBlades.com, we custom weld your blades to match your order specifications. Custom orders begin production as soon as possible, upon order receival. Since these orders are custom built to your specifications, they cannot be cancelled, returned, or refunded, at any time. Since our band saw blades are non-returnable, please make sure to verify your blade information before placing your order. If we make the blade to the wrong size, or send you the wrong blade, it will be replaced at no cost.
If you need to make a change to an order, notify us as quickly as possible by calling us at (800) 852-6804. We cannot guarantee any changes to an order, but we will work to try and find the best solution to meet your needs.
Here at ISCOBlades.com we take pride in our exceptional weld processes. We will guarantee any weld for the life of the blade. Our guarantee is in addition to any manufacturer warranty on the band saw blade itself.